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Alison had an atypical childhood: raised by adventure-photographer parents, she accompanied trips to exotic locales beginning at the age of two months old. Her life since has continued this spirit of exploration.

Alison loves to live by modest means, preferring to use her resources to travel than to settle. Her experiences have allowed her to gain vast knowledge of cultures and survival techniques.

Her current residence Hollywood actress very nice teen porn images a a Swiss Family Robinson style grass hut that she built with her parents over the last 20 years.

After graduating from film school at USC, Alison set off around the world to make a film series which would offer viewers a passport into her Angel alison teal nude family and their secrets of survival, sustainability, and happiness.

After eight years of filming she has just released her first Angel alison teal nude Adventures films on her website: www. Click the link below for more:. Alison Teal. In desperate need of protein, Fernando attempts to catch a fish with his bare hands. Hand Fishing in the Nude.

Cass and Shannon meet for the first time - naked in Belize - as they begin their day survival challenge. Nude Survivalists in Belize. Cass and Shannon run across an ancient cave system during their day survival challenge in Belize.

Ancient Mayan Cave System. Will Jeff stray Angel alison teal nude his deep religious beliefs in order to stay warm at night, or will he and Eva continue to sleep separately in the cave of black widows? Cave of Black Widows.

Vincent's frustrations with Sabrina begin to boil over. Will the pair make it Angel alison teal nude 21 days together naked and afraid in Bolivia? No Princesses in the Jungle. Fernando Calderon and Samantha Pearson meet for the first Angel alison teal nude - naked - in Malaysia.

Naked in Malaysia. Water is scarce and the hot sun makes energy levels difficult to maintain. The Search For Water. The mosquitoes in the Amazon jungle are relentless. AK and Tyler have bug bites everywhere - and nakedness takes its toll. Mosquitoes and Private Parts. Leeches invade the private parts of these two Naked and Afraid survivalists in Malaysia. Leeches in Private Parts. Keith goes after a deadly sea snake even though Alana thinks it is a completely unnecessary risk.

Risky Business with a Sea Snake. Desperate for drinkable water, Keith and Alana attempt to purify water using hot rocks. Hot Rocks. Jeff and Angel alison teal nude arrive in Madagascar and strip down for their day naked survival challenge.

Butt Naked in Madagascar. Jeff has a personal vendetta against a lizard in Madagascar. When he finally captures it, what he does next will shock you.

On the first night of their day survival challenge, the castaways are pummeled with rain, soaking them to Angel alison teal nude core. The Countdown: Rotten Feet. The castaways spot a snake under a rock. Will it be their dinner, or will they be its next prey? The Countdown: Preditor or Prey? While squishing through the muddy jungle, a naked castaway spots a snake and needs her partner's aid. The Countdown: Snake!

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