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The days of the thigh gap are over -- though most of us would say they shouldn't have started to begin with. But there are plenty more women who don't and will never be able to have one. Inwe experienced the booty movement. If your thighs are thick, that means they're strong. Fitness model and Sexy thick thighs girls tumblr Paige Hathaway has 1. The GirlsWhoLift hashtag account is equally as inspiring.

Sexy thick thighs girls tumblr where others are falling at their heeled feet, you'll be pressing on into the night, ready to hit up your favorite after-hours pizza place. And isn't that all a girl really wants?

Who needs a cold, uncomfortable breeze to blow through your thighs in the wintertime? After braving a winter as cold as this one, you're sure to be grateful for a little extra meat on your bones. If you had a thigh gap, your brand new iPhone Sexy thick thighs girls tumblr would plunge right between your thighs and into the toilet, forcing you to say goodbye to it forever.

Your thick thighs, on the other hand, would catch the phone before it reached its demise and cradle it like a fragile newborn child. Thanks to your thighs, your phone is saved. Enough said. Yearning for a thigh gap when your bone structure won't allow you to have one is like yearning to grow wings from your spine. Thigh gaps are impossible to achieve if your body isn't predispositioned for one.

By Alexia LaFata. And this is not because they aren't dieting Sexy thick thighs girls tumblr enough or because they're overweight.

So, here are 11 reasons why I want my thighs thick, and so should you. The big booty movement, by default, loves big thighs. Strong is the new skinny. You last longer dancing at the club than your friends. You have better sex. You can give WWE finishers back to your boyfriend. About Contact Newsletter Terms Privacy.

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