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Modern society pushes the notion that pornography and masturbation are harmless little guilty pleasures. The idea that a person can go to Hell for eternity for watching pornography is laughable in the modern mind. But Catholic teaching is clear on the grave and mortal situation that pornography and masturbation put a person in. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states: "Both the Magisterium of the Church, in the course of a constant tradition, and the moral sense of the faithful have been in no doubt and have firmly maintained that masturbation What the hell is going on porn an intrinsically and gravely disordered action.

It is a grave offense. These are official Church teachings, with ecclesial language that may not be clear to the everyday layperson. As the Catechism teaches, those who die in a state of mortal sin go to Hell. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into Hell, where they suffer the punishments of Hell, "eternal fire.

Now, not everybody who commits acts that are considered grave commits a mortal sin. Things such as ignorance, addiction, and compulsion can mitigate the blame of a person. But for someone who knows that pornograhy and mastrubation are mortal sins, and they commit the acts regardless, is guilty of a mortal sin, and if they die What the hell is going on porn that state, they do go to Hell.

God does not want anyone to go to Hell, and the Catholic Church has never declared one single person to be definitively in Hell. If you struggle with pornography and compulsive sexual What the hell is going on porn, there is hope and forgiveness for those who seek it. Millions of men and women struggle with compulsive pornography use. This can include visual porn, chat rooms, erotic stories, and social media. While few are willing to talk about it, this is an epidemic that we need to begin facing now for the sake of your soul!

This series is intended for individuals, families, and parishes to educate and equip people in the battle against pornography. With this series, you will also learn about the hope provided by the Church, and a pathway to ending this epidemic and halting the ruining effects it is having on society.

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