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Less than a third of people sleep in the nude, even though it offers several significant health benefits. Keep reading to discover why sleeping naked is good for you. Because humans are endotherms, our body regulates our temperature both internally as well as in response to external stimuli.

Throughout the day, your brain regulates your body temperature to keep it roughly around One of those variations is tied to your sleep-wake cycle. Your temperature drops in the evening as melatonin releases, preparing you for sleep. It continues to drop during your slumber until it reaches its low point around 6am. Then, to energetically prepare you to face the day, your brain kicks off cortisol production and begins raising your temperature before you wake up.

Keeping your body cool is key to enjoying a night of uninterrupted sleep. When you bring pajamas into the mix, your body has more external factors to deal Naked women sleeping latest that can affect your temperature. This is especially the case if your pajamas keep you too warm, causing uncomfortable night sweats that interfere with your sleep and wake you up. Perhaps one of the most compelling reasons to sleep naked People having sex in public its benefits for your nether reasons.

Airing out your Naked women sleeping latest areas while you sleep is especially important for both men and women. Wearing underwear traps in moisture, allowing bacteria to thrive and possibly cause a vaginal infection in women or jock strap itch for men. Besides staving off infection, going commando can spell better fertility for men. Speaking of genital health, sleeping naked is good for intimacy as well. It makes couples literally closer to each other, and the skin-to-skin contact releases oxytocin.

Oxytocin itself Naked women sleeping latest been shown to lower blood pressure and anxiety, while boosting your immune system. Anecdotally, people who sleep naked report having happier relationships than those who sleep in pajamas or some other type of clothing.

Research shows that having too much fabric or weight on your body can prevent HGH from getting released, the human growth hormone involved in repairing tissue, building muscle, and burning fat while you sleep. Some of that restorative repair includes features like your skin and hair.

Sleeping naked can even help you lose weight. As we explained earlier, your cortisol levels operate inversely to your melatonin levels, rising in the morning as your melatonin trails off. People who are sleep deprived see increased ghrelin levels and appetite. Meanwhile, deeper stages of sleep release the leptin hormone which regulates your appetite.

If you wake up during the night from getting too hot, it can interrupt your deep Naked women sleeping latest REM sleep. These restorative stages of sleep are essential for cognitive functioning, mood regulation, and memory processing during your Naked women sleeping latest hours.

Incidentally, sleeping naked may also keep you more active. If you wear PJs, you may be likelier to lounge around the house. Finally, sleeping Naked women sleeping latest is good for your wallet. However, you should take care with what you do wear to bed. Choose pajamas made of Naked women sleeping latest that are breathable, lightweight, and natural. Some good moisture-wicking options include silk, flannel, and bamboo.

Bamboo is also hypoallergenic and antibacterial, making it a nice option for allergy sufferers. Avoid wool and fleece, which prevent circulation, as well as cotton. Make sure your Naked women sleeping latest are loose and thin, but not too baggy so as to tangle you up during the night. Oh, and make sure you wear socks.

Is sleeping naked good for you?

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