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Bart was running around the house with a knife "What it's not hurting anyone! Marge immediately grabbed the knife and placed it in the holder "You clearly don't know how to have fun!

Marge said. Bart was bored "whatever I'm going outside! Marge rubbed her forehead she was frustrated with her troublemaking son causing havoc wherever he Marge bart christmas porn. Marge sighed. Homer was right it'll just be for a few days and it'll be amazing. The phone rang and Marge got up to answer the phone "Hello? Oh ok I'll be right over" she hung up and ran to grab her coat " see why you need that vacation time?

Homer rubbed her shoulder "I know how you feel but think about it you don't have to cook or clean just relaxation" Marge smiled she was glad to have a husband like Homer "thanks sweetie you always know what to say" Homer laughed "that's my job! That Night, Bart was playing a Marge bart christmas porn game when his mom walked into his room " What are you doing?

We are leaving for our trip tomorrow and you are just sitting here games" Marge said. Bart eventually got up to do what he was told to do. Homer stood in the doorway watching his son at work " Son I know how you feel but you'll make it through and maybe you can calm down every one in a while with the pranks and jokes and-" he cut himself to notice that Bart was looking depressed "Are you ok? Bart looked at his father trying not to release tears "I'm fine just let me continue packing" he said.

Homer rubbed his son's head and left. He stared at the snow falling on his window sill. It was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen heck Marge bart christmas porn even cheered him up a little bit. He walked over to his phone and saw a notification from Nelson "Hey are coming to the big snow hill tomorrow it's gonna be epic? He didn't have a choice "that sounds fun man, but I am going to Florida tomorrow morning and I'm not looking forward to it" Marge bart christmas porn said as he typed.

Feeling bad, he threw his phone on the bed and didn't touch it for the Marge bart christmas porn of the night. Bart threw a Porn xxx videos lesbians over his face trying to get some Marge bart christmas porn "Bart Honey it's time to get up!

Bart jumped out of bed putting his clothes on and grabbed his suitcase "I'm here let's get this trip over with" he said sarcastically. I am not having this argument right now you are going to be with your family and it's going to be amazing and you are going to love it" Bart walked away with an attitude "mom doesn't understand anything I say" he said "Give mom a break she had so much to do with Marge bart christmas porn up with your chaos well I have to put up with it too" Lisa said walking away.

When they got the airplane, Bart had Marge bart christmas porn get out of here but he was stranded on a plane with his family with no escape "attention everyone we seem to have an overbooked plane" Bart smirked at the window "overbook, plane that just gave me an idea. What were they going to do? Story Story Writer Forum Community. Cartoons Simpsons.

A simple family vacation goes wrong when Bart wants to stay in SpringField but Marge wants to go visit their aunt and uncle in Florida. So the two embark on a journey to get to their realtives house in Florida with some chaotic things along the way. Chapter 2: Now what are we gonna do? The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Your review has been posted. Actions Add to Community Report Abuse. Close Working Terms of Service.

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