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Former Miss Malawi who is also an employee of National Bank Ella Kabambe has been forced to deactivate her Facebook account after an irate woman had threatened to publish her indecent photos.

The woman in question alleges that Kabambe is at the centre of wrecking her 30 year old marriage. The woman in question claims that the Chancellor College graduate has been milking off her husband such that the man failed to pay school fees for his children in overseas schools. Apart from Malawian women xxx photos her of going out with her husband, the anonymous woman alleges that Kabambe has also been Malawian women xxx photos other men and Malawian women xxx photos been sleeping with other older men including a 70 year old.

Malawi24 Malawian women xxx photos have revealed that the former beauty queen is in a serious relationship with a Blantyre based guy of her own age. Kodi Ma Miss Munatani? Nde nude imakhala choncho sikupusa kumeneku……. Ndipange bwanji nane ndione nawo ma picturez wo?

Kubweteko nde ndikwake enanu nsanje bwanji ngati Malawian women xxx photos anali ndi chokodzera chosakhutitsidwa ndi mkazi wake olakwa Malawian women xxx photos Ella koma inuyo mayi ndi amunanu. Mmmm koma mudzinama bwino apa inu ma addimn. Nde mwati inu ndiokongola zedi??????? Mtiiiiiiiiii vuuuuuuuuumu!!! Ineyo personally kukhala mkazi guys sindingamubakile ella a married mkazi fo that matta a mdalao akanakhala amunanu inu akazi obakilanu mukanatani?

Life is too short. Mwamunayo ndi chidzete mot angachite kukanika kulipira fees coz of de woman kkkkk angoluzapo mkazi oti wakhala naye zaka zambiri apa….

Kodi ndi chifukwa chani anthu onyasa inu mumalimbana ndi okongolafe, shupiti zanu. Elizabeth Sapanga Machila Pena pake atiuze chilungamo chifukwa munthuukamva nkhani pamafunika kuiunukira bwino aaaah.

I am so happy that i have to tell the whole world how Malawian women xxx photos was cured from HIV. I never knew there was a cure till i came across a story of how a lady was cured of HIV by an herbal doctor called dr.

I have been living a hopeless like since i tested positive. I contacted him and started taking his herb. Exactly 3 weeks he told me to go for a check up,i went and was Malawian women xxx photos negative.

It was shocking to me till series other tests still prove that i was negative. Till today i am still negative. You can contact him if you have any troubling sickness. Miss Malawi? Pena pake anthu tiziyamba taphika mabodzawa bwino bwino,ngati Ella anakukanani pezani njira Ina yomunamizira….

Tiuzeni zoona apa!!!!!!!! Malawian women xxx photos inu ndi a unduna wozofufuza fufuza kkkkkkkk. My fellow younth moyo unavuta uwu put God first in everything u do and u will never be last. Ngat alipo mwa inu amene sanachimweko ayambe Malawian women xxx photos muthuyi.

Mmmm kaya …coz she z using wat she hav to get wat she want :! Akunnamizira nanga bwanji sanabwele poyela ndikudziwa akupanga izi ndi adani ake.

Adm,whats Ur Bussnes On Her,? Ndewalakwa cha? Kkkk smile imenei iwe ungalimbe? Amene angamveko za nyumba yogulisa andiuzeko, Area 10 elz or sunsyd btz,last 2. Willow pali u end m basi. It takes two to tangle but as always society puts the entire blame on the woman. Even the man should have been named and shamed. Anyway,anayamba kalekale,ku school analinso ndi khalidwe lonyansa uyu. Uyuyuyu former miss Chani? Mkazi ndi wa munthu ali yese.

Ena amaba ndithu. It is normal. Chili chose anthu amaba. Ndalama, akazi, galimoto, zovala, zikwama…. Just pretend you do not know. That is life. Mwamuna munthu adabadwa naye ngati tsitsi? Mmesa amangopezana. Kapena mkazi amalembedwa ku msana kuti mrs so, so…???? Mwamuna or mkazi ali ndi ufulu wotero. Akagwidwa chili kwa iwe kuti no, izi ai.

Utenga wina. Koma sikuti wamuyamba ndiwe ai enaso alipo! Zosiirana izi. Ukachite udwala nazo BP? Kapena upita naye ku manda ukafa? Udzamusiya ena adzapitiliza. Choncho zinthu zasintha. Akazi akuyenda maliseche ena asiyeni. Dziko lasintha! Uyo Malawian women xxx photos uwona zake akakhale kwina kwa yekha.

Kapena azitandala mnyumba mwake ndi akazi ake. M24 ndi yausilu heavy kumusaka munthu kalata yoti walembera wina. Why does National Bank like employing former miss malawis? Eee kaya mwina mabwana akumeneko amakonda kwambiri kudya zimenezi.

Ali ndi mphaka kapena kuti pusi ogulitsa,,,,. The problem is with your husband. Your marriage looks older aj nd stronger than i thoght. Churches courts marriage concellor are there to help us issues likes yours so dont you ask any help from these orgs insted of making a fool of yo self.

There is apersonnal vandetta why do u take this Malawian women xxx photos to her parents in zomba. If this is tru then Bella you are Christine bleakley porn nude whore.

And the man is a nicompoop who doesnt carefor other pipos life. If this is really true the man deserve to be cut his balls because he cant keep messing with other peoples emotion and get away with it. Remember love is all about compromise please find a common Malawian women xxx photos otherwise both of you are a mess.

Inu simudziwa kut miss amasowa amuna asaiz yake amathawa mapeto ake chidye chimakanda basi. Miss malawi? She is only looking good, not beautfull. Nawenso kasamale nyini yako mamunako amafuna zokoka lephethe lephethe.

Mdala wachita bwino kumawa chinda kumene ngati mpata utape zeka asamadelere ndakufiira mdala ngati pali video tatumizani mukuchindana. Anthu amene mumalimbana ndikuyalusa amuna anu mumankhala kut ximenexo xomwe mumazikonda,kunkhala celeb sichifukwa townmu muli akaz ophunxira ambir ntchito yao kusaka amuna aini ndemupite mukakokole anthu onseo mutipangire post coz siku linaso muxatipangira post xina ndeife ximatikwana muchosa bwanj chisoso chanxanu chanu chili mmaso????

Ndipod ndudabwa nao anthuwa amanao amalephera kuwachengetera Malawian women xxx photos ndeazitinyasa ife apa. Monalisa ngati uli pa banja tseka pakamwa and dont evn comment amuna olo utawapatsa zakuchipindazo mmene akufunila sayamika ndipo iweyo being nkazi ukubakila munthu oyipa ngati ameneyu bwanji tidabwa nawe mayb ur one ov them eti.

Koma Malawi penapake! Kodi chimakhala chili chani kuti mkazi akapanga chibwenzi kumamulonda? Aliyense ali ndi ufulu opanga chibwenzi ndi munthu amene akumufuna sindikuonapo nkhani apa!

Lyf is what u mek ,sangalalan ndi Malawian women xxx photos wanu mayi Malawi akale o z best thetsan ndthu mabanjao kumapeto mupezako phndu ,ife takunyadan. Poor investigations Mw24! Tsiku lachisanu lakwana, Malawian women xxx photos kusogolo uzionaso kumbuyo, Aunt zikusonyeza mudayambapo ndikale satana adakusikirani mayi, ife nkumayamika komaso kuomba manja kwa mwini wationesayo!

Zisiyeni mbuli enao naonso ndi ma hule anzake a ella pali zobakila apa azaziona azimuna awowo akazapanga zomwezo ma celeb anyanya they shud respect themselves asakufuna kumva nkhani achoke mu gululi asatinyase mxiii.

Khalidwe limaposa kukongola. Amunawo akakuyuza nkususukira ndalama kwakoko uzizavutika wekha Malawian women xxx photos atakusasa uwone! Akunama miss malawi wanuyo sangaime ma dinkam yaineyi. Mmmmmh l cant believe this Ella can not do that. Nkhani ndi pothera myendo kkkkkmiss nude photos. Iiii koma anthu ena uhule unawakhodzokera ndithu… at 70 munthu nkumapangabe zibwenzi?

Mmmm its much ndipo azibambo ena samazimvela chisoni.

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