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Women in Church History. Although the epistles do not specifically name women evangelists, Heart evangelists nude potosi New Testament women did this work. The prophetess Anna Luke was the very first person to proclaim Jesus as Israel's promised Redeemer. She told the people, "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Isn't this the Messiah? Heart evangelists nude potosi did so; and as a result, "Many more believed because of His own word, and said to the woman, 'Now we believe, not because of your word, because we have heard Him ourselves and know that this is indeed the Messiah, the Saviour of the world.

After His resurrection triumph, Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary Salome and other women with them and personally directed them to proclaim His resurrection to the rest of the disciples.

Significantly, all four of the gospels record this. The women's commission was a double one, as angels also appeared to them with the same message Heart evangelists nude potosi directive. Every person who has ever heard the Good News that Jesus was risen from the dead early on Easter Sunday morning heard it from the testimony of women!

Yet, sadly, the testimony of the women was not believed at first. Jesus had to appear personally to the men, whom He "upbraided for their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen him after he was risen. Jesus rebuked Heart evangelists nude potosi men, "O fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Ought Heart evangelists nude potosi the Christ to have suffered these things and enter into His glory?

Note that Heart evangelists nude potosi and John were both at the tomb of Jesus early that Resurrection morning, but He did not appear to them Heart evangelists nude potosi. Rather, the Lord waited for Mary Magdalene to reveal Himself alive to one who would believe.

He could have appeared to these men and sent them to preach first, had He chosen. But their hearts Heart evangelists nude potosi not right, so on this occasion, He preferred to show Himself to Mary and the other women. Jesus' Great Commission Mt. Luke shows that the Commission and opening of their minds to understand the Scriptures were given to the whole company of believers, not only the Eleven. It was for the purpose of evangelism that Heart evangelists nude potosi sent His Holy Spirit to empower the whole company of believers who were Nude at public beach as directed in the upper room at Jerusalem.

The book of Acts testifies that at Pentecost, God's power was given both to men and to women for the purpose of bringing unbelievers to salvation Actsand At a later time, Acts tells us that "the Holy Spirit fell on them all, and they all spoke the Word of God with boldness. After Pentecost, the saints gathered, preached and healed publicly in Solomon's Portico, an area behind the eastern side of the Jerusalem Temple that was open to Gentiles and women Acts As we have seen from our study of prophets, Biblical prophecy is not limited to foretelling future events, but consists mainly of proclaiming the praises of God and Black monster cock on beach people to repentance Heart evangelists nude potosi faith in Him.

This is what the Spirit-filled men and women did together that first Pentecost, and that is what Spirit-filled Christians, both men and women, should be doing still. Paul names several women as his "fellow-workers" in the Gospel Romans ,9, What happened to the Spirit-filled Heart evangelists nude potosi, both men and women, after the New Testament witness ends?

The last verse of Mark's gospel says, "and Heart evangelists nude potosi went forth Heart evangelists nude potosi preached everywhere, the Lord working with Heart evangelists nude potosi, and confirming the word with signs following.

Prisca and Aquilla accompanied St. Luke, according to the Teaching of the Apostles, an ancient Syriac document which is "part of a volume of fragments, of which the age is certainly not later than the beginning of the fifth century," according to its translator and editor, A.

Cleveland Coxe. This manuscript states, "Luke, moreover, the evangelist had such diligence that he wrote the exploits of the Acts of the Apostles and the ordinances and laws of the ministry of their priesthood [probably the Apostolic Constitutions ], and whither each one of them went.

By his diligence, I say, did Luke write these things, and more than these, and he placed them in the hand of Priscilla and Aquilus, his disciples; and they accompanied him up to the day of his death, just as Timothy and Erastus of Lystra and Menaus, the first disciples of the apostles, accompanied Paul. Cleveland Coxe, ed.

Another Syriac fragment in this collection, " The Teaching of Addaeus the Apostle ," who healed and converted King Abgar of Edessa in Armenia, tells us about his co-workers in the successful evangelistic campaign in that region. And in consequence of these things their bearing was fearless as they Heart evangelists nude potosi their teaching to Nude thick latina women men.

A very interesting but highly romanticized account of a woman evangelist is given in the New Testament apocryphal book The Acts of Paul and Theclawhich circulated widely in the second half of the second century and afterwards. According to the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Churchp. Deciding to dedicate her life as a Christian virgin, she refused to marry her betrothed husband. As a result, Paul was brought to trial and beaten, while Thecla was condemned to be burned to death, but was miraculously saved from the fire by a violent Heart evangelists nude potosi storm.

Thecla disguised herself as a man and, finding Paul, who had been praying for her safety, she followed him to Antioch. There, an official, Alexander, tried to sexually assault her, and in defending herself, she pulled off his crown and tore his robe. The Roman governor then condemned her to be thrown to wild beasts. Requesting protection until her execution, Thecla was taken in by Queen Tryphaena, who became attached to her after dreaming that her deceased daughter encouraged her to receive Thecla in her place.

Thecla's faith and courage in the arena, and the fact that the wild animals did not harm her, brought about the sympathy and conversion of many women who witnessed them, who protested that her sentence was iniquitous. On the last day of Thecla's trials, when preparations were being made to have her torn to pieces by bulls, Queen Tryphaena fainted.

At this, Alexander himself petitioned the governor to release her, as the queen was related to the Emperor, whose ire would be aroused should any harm befall her.

Thecla then told the governor, "I indeed am a servant of the living God, and. I have believed in the Son of God, in whom he is well pleased, wherefore not one of the beasts has touched me. For He alone is the way of salvation and the basis of immortal life, Heart evangelists nude potosi He is a refuge to the tempest-tossed, a solace to the afflicted, a shelter to the despairing, and once for all, whoever shall not believe in Him shall not live forever.

Receiving Paul's commission to "Go and teach the Word of God," Thecla retired to a mountain cave where she lived 72 years as an ascetic. One version of the " Acta " states, "And she was there many years. And many of them bade adieu to the world and lived an ascetic life with her. And a good report was spread everywhere concerning her, and cures were done by her.

All the city, therefore, and country round, having known this, brought their Heart evangelists nude potosi to the mountain, and before they came near the door they were speedily released from whatever disease they were afflicted by, and Heart evangelists nude potosi unclean spirits went out shrieking, and all received their own in health, glorifying God, who had given such grace to the virgin Thecla.

Thecla by women followers, which continued for several centuries. There are a number of fanciful myths included about Thecla in this work, and its author, a presbyter, was defrocked for exaggerating his account of her life. But a germ of historical truth lies at the center of the myths. Thecla seems to have been well-known, both in her own time and later in church history.

A number of the church fathers mention her, and Gregorius names her among other martyrs and witnesses who faced "fire and sword, beasts and tyrants. The 19th century archaeologist and scholar Sir William Ramsey did a thorough and careful study of the Sexy mallu girl and boy manuscripts of the Acta, comparing them with historical facts known from coins, inscriptions, secular manuscripts and other sources.

He found that Queen Tryphaena, whose fainting in the arena saved Thecla's life, was a historical person who lived during the mid-first century. Coins with her bust, name and title show that she was the queen regent of Pontus when her young son became king. She was first cousin once removed to the Roman emperor Heart evangelists nude potosi, who reigned from AD Thus, the Acta's account that Alexander had Thecla freed in fear that the queen's distress could become serious Heart evangelists nude potosi to arouse the wrath of the Emperor was quite true.

Ramsey concludes, "It is not possible to account for this accuracy in details by the supposition that it is a skilful archaeological forgery. The tale must be founded on Heart evangelists nude potosi, and committed to writing by some person not far removed from the events. No other hypothesis seems consistent with the fidelity to a transitory and soon-forgotten epoch of history. We must hold that the tale is, at least in part, historical, that Thekla was a real Heart evangelists nude potosi, and that she was brought into relations with the greatest figures of the Galatic province Super smash bros xxx AD viz.

Ramsay, M. Putnam's Sons,p. Ramsey acknowledges that the true story of Thecla was later embellished by the mid-2nd century presbyter who wrote the Acts of Paul and Thecla and then again in the late 3rd or 4th century to satisfy the desire of Thecla's venerators for a more romantic martyrology and to increase the Heart evangelists nude potosi of Paul.

He bases this view both on internal evidence and the statement Heart evangelists nude potosi Tertullian on Baptism 17 that the work was constructed by augmenting older material Ramsey, op cit p. Even more interesting for our subject is the gradual expunging from later manuscripts of the Acta of accounts of Thecla's having baptized her converts and other elements which show the high status and freedom of activity of this Christian Lesbian pussy closeup pics leader.

Ramsey writes, "Moreover, there remain even in the mutilated and re-written tale some traces of a view of women's rights and position, which is thoroughly characteristic of the [ancient] Asian social system, and thoroughly opposed to the ideas favoured by the Church.

He writes, ". In opposition to these provincial types, the Universal and Catholic type of Christianity became confirmed in its dislike of the prominence and pubic ministration of women. The dislike became abhorrence, and there is every probability that the dislike is as old as the first Xxx new ethiopia porn emage, and was intensified to abhorrence before the middle of the second century.

Under the influence of this feeling the changes in Acts and 34 arose in Catholic circles in Asia Minor. One can only wonder how many other passages of New Testament Scripture may likewise have been altered along such lines during this early period in the development of the canon.

After her release, Thecla remained eight days with queen Tryphaena, "having instructed her in the word of God, so that most even of the maid-servants believed. And there was great joy in that house. Thecla founded a convent there, where a large church was dedicated to her. She made many converts, and her followers Heart evangelists nude potosi very numerous. Ramsey states, "Nicetas of Paphlagonia mentions that Thekla baptised in Isauria, but that Heart evangelists nude potosi was a special privilege reserved to her alone among women.

Evidently, some of these cures occurred after Thecla's death, as Basil lived during the 4th century. Ramsey states, "In subsequent history, the worship of Thekla as a saint became established widely in Asia Minor; Heart evangelists nude potosi of all in the southern parts, and especially in Seleuceia of Isauria. A church dedicated to her is located in that city on the Via Ostiense.

Thecla's commemoration feast was Heart evangelists nude potosi on September 24th. Like many women soul-winners in the early and medieval church, Thecla's evangelism took place in the contexts of her witness under persecution and her example, teaching and healing ministry as a monastic. While the public lives of Christian women were usually very limited due to their social status, their evangelistic zeal and gifts were not. Respectable women in the Roman Heart evangelists nude potosi did not go out in public unattended, but sought to serve God at home.

There, God used many for His glory in bringing family members and other women and sometimes menoften in large numbers, to faith Heart evangelists nude potosi dedicated service to Jesus Christ.

The Word and Spirit are not bound by human customs and restrictions, but continue to operate within and despite them. Like Thecla, many women founded convents or turned their homes into refuges for the worship of God where many visitors found new life in Christ. Among these were Macrina, sister and spiritual teacher of Basil the Great Heart evangelists nude potosi Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa and who founded a monastery at Pontus; Marcella, who with Paula and Eustacia assisted Jerome's manuscript work and who founded her Church of the Household as a center for study, charity and prayer; and Paula, who built monasteries, Heart evangelists nude potosi chapel and Heart evangelists nude potosi hospice near Bethlehem.

Others, like Sts. Helena, mother of Constantine; Nonna, who converted her husband, Gregory the Elder, later bishop for 45 years, and sons Gregory and Caesarius who likewise became bishops; Monica, who prayed fervently for Heart evangelists nude potosi son St.

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