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Log in or Sign up. Hip Forums. Girls, do you like cock-piercings? I've been debating getting my cock pierced but I keep stopping myself because of the ouch-factor I keep seeing played out in my head If you've experienced one sex question ahead does it feel good during oral sex and when having intercourse?

Wicked PenetrationMay 29, Personally, i think its quite But hey, whatever floats your boat man. I've heard people say it does feel good during oral sex, that's mostly why people do it. I don't know about intercourse for your partnerit depends on the girl you're with, and for yourself, i've also heard it adds to the sensation.

By the way, ever thought about infection? It shouldn't just be the "ouch-factor" scaring you away from doing it. Have you looked into it? Read about it? Dude i remember getting my ears pierced and getting an infection, man was it ever a bitch, it hurt like hell.

I can't imagine the genital area. I know i guy who had it pierced, he said it hurt so bad when he peed, he said it hurt so bad he was laying on the floor thinking he was gonna pass out. He never said anything about infection though. I wonder how long you have to wait before you can have sex If you want to get it done,i say go for it, but that must hurt so bad!

Personally i'd be a bit frightened of it falling off in me during sex or ripping the condom but it wouldn't stop me from having sex with someone with one, it would be quite intriguing i think. DreamcatcherMay 29, So get your tongue pierced first. If you can handle that TricksterMay 29, I don't know Chicks with peircings get fucked not really a big fan of them. But everyone's different. FaeryMoonMay 29, I don't know much about them,but Chicks with peircings get fucked have wondered if they could rip condoms.

Wonder GirlChicks with peircings get fucked 29, FeyMay 30, Yeah i agree the orgasms can Hidden fucking in public place better but i guess that also comes down to the partner you're with. For some it only hurts at first, the more lube you use the less chance the comdom will rip.

TricksterMay 30, I've never had sex with someone who had their genitals pierced, but I can't say it appeals to me. I wouldn't break up with them until I'd tried it, but it just Chicks with peircings get fucked seem like something I Chicks with peircings get fucked wanna try.

Word of wisdom healing isn't always to fun. I have a friend who had it done said it bled when he became erect while it was healing. Never mentioned anything about pain but I don't think he would have even if it did hurt. MellowPsychedeliaMay 30, They hurt for a bit, they feel great for her, and no the wont rip a condom. My wife loves mine, i have a Prince albert which stimulates the g-spot when used right and a frenulum the string of foreskin underneath the head and it does the sides of the vagina.

She likes that one the best I think. They do hurt, and can be troublesome and aggrivating from time to time. But mine was worth it.

I also did if for spiritual reasons, so i get double worth from it. Some bolts hit the g spot perfectly. Don't knock until you try it i say, after all it Chicks with peircings get fucked hurt.

Sometimes people think of what it looks like and don't wait until it they see what it feels like. It helps to reserve judgement sometimes. Chicks with peircings get fuckedMay 31, I think that cock piercings are sexy as hell I love all genital piercings I'm planning on getting a triangle, and a VCH It hits all the right spots and makes me get buck wild!!

I say go for it if you want to. You can always take it out during sex if it hurts your partner. So my army boyfriend got his cock pierced. It really turns me on. During oral sex its Chicks with peircings get fucked to have the piercing in your mouth and let your tongue play with it and when ever we have sex and we go to use a condom he just takes it out no big deal.

I would say go for it man. I had my PA done twice. It did however force me to pee sitting down, this i did not like.

So i took it out, twice, and now Chicks with peircings get fucked can pee standing up. I'll jump in here and say Chicks with peircings get fucked you want to get one, just do it.

I got a frenum piercing a little bit over three weeks ago, and I love the way it looks. I wouldn't let the fear of pain make you shy away from it, though. I'm a huge wuss when it comes to things like pain and needles, but even I was able to get it done. The best way to describe the pain is, well, it feels like a needle just went through your penis, but by the time you realize it hurts the pain is over.

The piercing bled a tiny bit the night that I got it, but after that it was smooth sailing. From what I understand risk of infection is pretty low with genital piercings as long as you care for them properly due to your genitals normally being relatively clean as well. The only downside to them is your penis being out of commission for a few weeks during the healing process. I hope that helps! The only thing keeping me from doing it is it is apparently one of the more painful piercings to have done and, like I said, I'm a huge wuss when it comes to pain.

KoaxkeAug 4, You must log in or sign up to reply Chicks with peircings get fucked. Show Ignored Content. Share This Page Tweet. Your name or email address: Do you already have an account?

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