
2 thought on “Dont give a fuck about no hoe

  1. Hola mercedes vivo en el df, vi tus videso y lo k vi me encanto, ojala pueda contactarte y tener un rikisimo encuntro contigo, tienes un cuerpo bellisimo y haces maravillas con esa bokita

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And this all Dont give a fuck about no hoe with strong daily habits. For me, this means doing things like lifting weights, practicing martial artsplaying basketball, writing, meditatingand traveling on a regular basis. I do these things because I enjoy doing them. I do them because I feel happy when I do them. Or if some guy disrespects me. Or get lost in a deep meditation. Or compete in a summer league basketball game….

But when you do this, you basically chop off your balls and serve them up to someone else. In the video above, I share some of my best strategies for overcoming the need for validation and approval.

This is the final step to truly stop giving a fuck what others think. Even after you structure your life around habits and goals that Nude women and guns actually care about, you are still liable to give a fuck what other people think.

Regardless of the situation, follow these 3 steps to break the cycle and stop giving a fuck. This will be challenging at first, but the more you catch yourself giving a fuck, the easier it will be to let it go.

And then you can get back to living your life… with ZERO fucks given! The great thing about this technique is that it will become a natural, subconscious process over time i. Structuring your life around the expectations and preferences of others is a recipe for disaster….

It will make you give way too many fucks. Great post man! In congruence with your second point — it is very important to define your own values. What YOU stand for — and act accordingly. Thanks man! The moment you seek approval from others Dont give a fuck about no hoe relinquish that part of you that you seek to protect which is a completely counter productive non rational action.

Great post. Jake, one of the best things you can do is to coach your friends the same way David is coaching us on self confidence. If they are willing to listen and take your advice, it is very fulfilling to see someone improve from your coaching. It is a form of self approval. Great point John. Great post mate. Usually we have spent our whole life giving too many fucks rather than actually living it. Eye opener. I agree, life is short. I got my life to live, not yours.

Thanks man this helped alot. Lets flip this a little to the other extreme. How can a reign this back in? Do you not give a fuck about what other people think about you? Or do you not give a fuck about other people? If you feel indifferent towards most of the people in your life friends, family, loved ones then I would suggest trying to bring some real vulnerability into these relationships.

But I am motivated by the positive effect on my goals. You are a prescient dude. Sick advice. Today I had the epiphany that our life is short and when we die, nothing really matters except our legacy. From this I deduced that while we are here, we should do the things we want to do and never try to live for others whether parents, a spouse, friends, peer group, etc except your kids.

Be okay with everything and pursue your hobbies as you sayand try to leave a legacy if that makes you happy. And of course developing strong habits is crucial too. Good insights Emmanuel.

This post helped me so much, i am feeling very good and Confident. Now I can accomplish my dreams and goals. I needed this! I see why now and I appreciate your words of wisdom.

Thank you Steve — glad it was helpful. I truly believe this is one of the most important mindset shifts you can make. This is my number one thing that holds Dont give a fuck about no hoe back and causes anxiety. I appreciate the article. Which one of your books goes more in depth on this topic? I bought Cool, Calm and Dont give a fuck about no hoe Met art girls naked few mins ago and will check out some of your other work.

Thanks Steve. Thanks David. I listened to half of the other book today. Maybe she liked you, maybe not. It can only cause you more harm.

Caring too much about the opinions of other people is a one-way trip to the mental ward. Why waste your finite life on it? As I said earlier, I was pretty inspired by this post, I made a counter-point to back it up. You know what happened after ive read this article? I have made two new friends that day!! I have found that the moment I stopped caring what other people thought about me was the moment that my life began to change.

I quit my job, began working away at my own website, worked harder at amassing rental properties and dramatically reshaped who I was. Shameful as this is, it cripples society and creates an army of drones whose only objective in life is to Picha za xxx bongo in.

This topic is not covered enough! The amount of people suffering with this issue is stopping so many people from fulfilling there true potential. Awesome post and great blog! I hate it. I end up obsessing over someone being mad at me. I try so hard to not make people mad. But inevitably they seem to turn on me. I feel like a wounded animal and the predators can smell blood:. Have the same problem which is why i read this article.

Im just sick of giving a fuck but its so automatic to me now that Dont give a fuck about no hoe cant stop obsessing over making people dislike me. Its so stupid though. All this wasted time and energy. Not worth it. Thanks for the article. Dude this is amazing!!! Good read bro spread the truth! Thank Dont give a fuck about no hoe so much for this article!! This is a very common problem I face and this habit of giving fucks of what people might think about me, makes me self doubt and these thoughts literally torture me.

I have realised that as far as my actions do not harm anybody, I can just be myself and put all the necessary energy into doing something that makes life worth living and not waste it in the irrelevant emotions. I have spent many many months, Dont give a fuck about no hoe for validation from people after a dreadful heartbreak and the succeeding depression.

I felt judged and unworthy of myself. Only your own fuck matters! Thank you so much! This was a breakthrough for me! That hit the spot! I read some of your previous comments and it was good that you mentioned about not giving a fuck about what others think vs not giving a fuck about people.

There is a huge difference as I was confusing both. Thanks and big cheers! Oh man! You totally Dont give a fuck about no hoe my day!

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