
2 thought on “Boy and girl cuddling in bed

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I want to help answer some questions you may have about living out your Christian life and walk of faith! We want PI to be a safe place where you can ask questions. Go to projectinspired. This week a PI Girl asked about cuddling. Click here for the full post. This is an interesting question not just pertaining to a guy friend, like in this case, but also a boyfriend. I personally believe that when you are a married couple, there is nothing wrong with snuggling.

It is not a sin, but remember that if you are Boy and girl cuddling in bed and cuddling with the opposite sex, you may be putting yourself in the way of temptation.

I do think you need to use wisdom and need to guard your heart because sometimes the best of friends, even if platonic, can fall in love. Stay in groups, go to the movies, bowling, out to eat, etc. You may be blameless, but guess what?

Just saying, girls—put your helmet of salvation on and really think about the scenario…what seems innocent can turn into the biggest regret of your Boy and girl cuddling in bed. As much as it sounds nice, hate to break it to ya, but it sounds like a slippery Sexy nude women high heels. Be excited for the one you DO get to marry and the one you can cuddle with and spend the rest of your life with!

Contact me via social media for any Boy and girl cuddling in bed, advice, prayer or just to say hello: Facebook: facebook. Comment below! My sister cuddles her boyfriend often and though they have a strong christian relationship, it has caused them to nearly fall into temptation.

Id say that you should ask the Lord if it is right and okay for you to do so. If you feel like you could be tampted to go further than is apropriate, then maybe its a good idea to say no.

I worked as a lifeguard and also as recreation staff at a Christian camp this summer and the staff all lived together in the lodge girls on one side and guys on the other, with a common room in between.

We were a really close-knit group, and definitely a huggy bunch. That being said, we would still all pile up together and watch movies on the weekends once the counselors had free time, or during the week when support staff was free. Guys and girls alike. Those guys were not only my fellow staffers, they were my friends. They were my family. They were my brothers. They were my brothers in Christ — and they still are. Yes, I understand that in some cases that can happen.

Also, when did it become a sin or wrong to fall in love with your best friend? Can Christian girls no longer have really close guy friends? I live in a co-ed dorm at college, and these guys in my hall are similarly my brothers and family as my fellow staffers were this past summer.

The same goes for the guys in Cru one of the Christian organizations on campus. Several of my close guy friends came to mind when I read your article, and each one of them is like a brother to me.

Again with the quotations. So yeah, I think cuddling with your guy friends is completely fine. I agree with some of what you say but you also must keep in mind that evil exists.

The reason she puts some terms in quotations is that some people are really good at pretending. I also know that we have a sinful flesh that can make it really difficult to not take it further in certain situations.

Maybe its easy for some people to say no and walk away when tempted but many others can be easily tempted and cuddling the opposite gender can cause those people to sin. I guess whatever God tells us is right is the way to go. In fact, maybe it Boy and girl cuddling in bed alright for some people to cuddle etc but for many it can put us in a shaky situation. I am very happy for you that you have overcome this temptation and that you have many great christian guy friends.

But also remember that not all people are in your situation! I agree, Amanda! The biggest thing is honesty for me. Honesty about intentions and boundaries. Share in the faith. If Boy and girl cuddling in bed start to fall for each other, take it slowly and intentionally see my individual comment about my experience the other night.

Honesty and communication are key to avoid regrets. Bless you. I totally agree! That takes a lot of work, FYI, haha! We like each other, a lot. Sitting next to boys in a car makes me uncomfortable. But my Boy and girl cuddling in bed friend has proven himself worthy. I tell him everything, whether it be about a new issue of my favorite comic book or about some of my personal issues with family.

He knows it all! Believe it or not, ladies, a guy can say no. I understand there are slip-ups. But overall, they should never condone sin. Just my two cents! Amen amen amen. I couldnt agree more. He said he Boy and girl cuddling in bed my beliefs in God. One day he said he wanted to cuddle with me. I love this article so much because everyone needs to see this. Instead, hold on until you are married to the right man and it will all be worth it. Cuddle your mom or pets.

You will never regret it. I think cuddling itself is not sin. It is an entry point to temptaion that can eventually lead to sin. Also, we are talking about cuddling outside the context of marriage here. This article isnt saying cuddling is a sin, it is warning us that cuddling can propel us into sin and we should avoid propelling ourselves into sin.

I would advise that to anyone reading this article and this comment. I totally respect your opinion but I have to say why does it seem that some pi writers take things a little over the top. It all depends on intentions! My friend hinted that he may have possibly wanted to take it a little farther, but I said no, and he respected that. Mine lies at kissing. For others, it may be somewhere else. We are just taking this slowly and with intention to see if this is what is meant to be.

My intentions are to be kind, loving, and honest if and as we head to making this a more official thing. His are the same we had a Boy and girl cuddling in bed talk after he kissed me about what we wanted in Boy and girl cuddling in bed of this all.

And pray about it! Ask God for discernment about this all. Yeah, I feel like a lot of christians have started idolizing modesty.

And no tanks, either, even if your cleavage is covered. Like, really? Kissing should not lead to more. If someone feels convicted about that, Boy and girl cuddling in bed great. Just be sure you and your man are on the Boy and girl cuddling in bed page. That if I followed Boy and girl cuddling in bed checklist, I was safe, I was approved. Letting the self righteousness numb me to life and separate me from God. And grace is the freedom to confront the truth that you need God, and needing God is knowing him, and knowing him is the crux of being a christian, of being a lover Teen clit tank top God.

The people with the strongest faith and best testimonies are those who were addicted to something, had a child out of marriage, and went through the worst stuff. Loved the article. The girls slept together in a bed upstairs and Boy and girl cuddling in bed boys slept downstairs.

There were also siblings and parents in the house. We were careful about how late we stayed up and we are all just friends. Was that wrong or sinful to do?

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