
Mainstream body image positivity may often suggest that size six women are the be all and end all of fat activism. But if there's one thing that many of the celebrities who are simply existing above the standard Hollywood size two are missing, it's a visible belly outline — or VBO, as it's often called for short. Across social media, I quickly saw a lot of fellow fat folks virtually groan until an article by the The Establishment put a voice to these frustrationsallowing the plus size community to utter a collection sigh at the cooption Hot girl fat belly our bodies and the terms Hot girl fat belly use to describe them by non-fats.

While everyone's body is Hot girl fat belly, a lot of plus size individuals don't have flat stomachs. Depending on what they wear, the outline of where their bellies hang will likely show.

For years, shapewear has been viewed as the "solution" to what so much Hot girl fat belly the fashion industry and society at large deem a problem. The message was and still very much is that it's OK to have curves, as long as one doesn't look fat. The ladies who truly inspire me as a fat woman are not slightly-larger-than-average-celebrities. They are the women I see every day across social media who have embraced their VBOs. Loving your belly and being brave enough to show it is a journey.

Find that radical self love! Blogger It's Melicious shared this Torrid swimsuit selfie in springnoting that her "body is a Hot girl fat belly body.

And you can like it or you can ignore it, but I'm going to show it. To me, that was the best feeling in the world," writer Ama Scriver says on Facebook. Comedian and blogger Rachel tells me, "Because fuck trying to hide the shape of my body.

I bought it immediately and I'm totally gonna rock it! Hell to the no-more," says blogger Stina Scott. Blogger and Italian-sister-in-my-head Angie Found shares a straight-to-the-point lyric for her explanation: "I'm sexy and I know it. It was a big step for me — my VBO is definitely the area of my body about which I'm most insecure, but I look at these pictures and see my beauty. It's taken me a long time to love who I am without feeling any shame about the skin I'm in," blogger Bessie Pledger says.

Crop tops will forever be a staple in my wardrobe! But after snapping this pic and looking at it, I was like, 'Geez why do I worry so hard about these things? And for the first time in my life, I'm happy for my arm flab to be flapping majestically in the sunshine. British Beauty Curvetells me. That part of me very much exists and I won't hide it under a damn smock!

It's Hot girl fat belly me and that's all good! You like it? Rock it This plus size blogger tells me over Twitter that this look is her favorite. She made the skirt and it makes her feel like "a sexy fat mermaid of awesome, ready to take on the haters.

Yes you can see my belly and yes I still slay! It's a style we rarely see in plus fashion, and I personally love the fit! Bustle fashion and beauty writer and all-around babe Georgina Jones tells me, "For as long as I hated it and the short time I've loved it, it will always be there and it'll always be a part of me.

But here I am now rocking this shit on the regular. And I will adorn it in whatever I want! Wear Your Voice columnist Rachel Otis tells me, "I hadn't worn overalls of any form since childhood before this very liberating and Hot girl fat belly Holly Golightly moment — and I love that I've gotten to a point where I'm happy to dress however my body wants to!

Model Jennifer Barreto-Leyva shares this image as her favorite. Nicole Bette says, "I would never have worn this even a year ago. I still am getting used to the idea of showing my belly, but I looked hot in this! Makeup artist Amanda Bourne tells me, "This is my first time wearing a bodycon dress with nothing to cover it up. I had no fear at all and felt Hot girl fat belly sexy in it. Vanity Curves Boutique owner says, "This pic was from my 31st birthday shoot.

I feel like this picture showed how amazing I felt. Well, I would have found tons of reasons to criticize my body, a few years ago. BUT when I decided to Hot girl fat belly all my body parts not just parts I considered to be acceptable and sexy in my eyes, but even parts that were harder to love, I went all out. My belly was the hardest to love I had more conservative versions of this look planned but I was truly living in the degree heat and clothes felt really oppressive.

Although the order of these images was entirely random, I did want to end with Leigh's story. It shows that wearing what you want and prioritizing your own personal comfort should always come first. While un-learning social fat shaming can be difficult, these women all challenge the idea of what's acceptable for plus size individuals to do.

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