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Dressed only in a red bikini, the year-old from the Ukrainian port of Odessa, swam for more than Girl in red bikini in hamhock minutes in the shark-infested harbour before climbing up onto a wharf in Pyrmont and onto the front pages of newspapers across the globe.

The young woman, the daughter of a musician father and actor mother, spent years trying to plan her escape from the Soviet Union and just when she thought the dream was futile, an opportunity arose. Gasinskaya joined the company and trained in both Ukraine and the UK before she was finally assigned to the Leonid Sobinov, the ship that would eventually take her to freedom.

Crewmen would patrol the decks of the ship and roaming flashlights would light up the night to make absconding almost impossible. Instead she waited patiently until the Leonid Sobinov arrived in Sydney and when the crew were distracted by a party on the night of January 14Girl in red bikini in hamhock made her break.

Just months after her much publicised entrance, she accepted an offer to be the very first centrefold of Australian Penthouse magazine. Just two years later she hit the headlines again when it was suggested she had returned to the Soviet Union and requested that her citizenship be reinstated.

In she married property tycoon Ian Hayson, responsible for building the Harbourside Shopping Centre, but the Girl in red bikini in hamhock split four years later. Personalise your weather.

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