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The bit part of the Homestar Runner empire Teen girl squad i have a crush four stick-figure teens navigating the ins and outs of late adolescence for a minute or two every few weeks. But, alas, here we are. Especially because I like most people on earth am quite busy. A crush only becomes a problem when your time is devoured by incessant text-message analysis, Instagram creeping or going out of your way on a regular basis to maybe walk by them like you did on that random Monday three weeks ago.

What a terrible joke. In high school, I prioritized the boys I liked over everything. I operated on a one-way street of attention, common courtesy and general Teen girl squad i have a crush. As if I had nothing in the world to do but pursue men who forgot when my birthday was. I mean, technically, anyway. But at some point this past summer, crush-free by fluke and ready to go into my mids with a healthier perspective, I began to think about when I feel my best. I leave hangouts with my family knowing how fortunate I am to have been born into a group of people who love and really know me.

I feel good when I thrift-shop. When I bake a pie. When I finish Teen girl squad i have a crush something I loved or when a friend and I walk for hours, catching up and laughing at our stupid jokes. Hell, I feel wonderful writing thissipping on a Antea errotica archives lesbian pumpkin-spice latte while intermittently scrolling through Instagram.

What matters most in my life tends to find a way into my heart without demanding anything or taking advantage of my kindness or generosity or ability to make a very good joke. And no guy who was worth my time because there have been some has ever been a time-suck or made me feel less than. Or any responsibility, honestly.

I need a break. Which may sound harsh, but I think this new standard is overdue. My time is worth something. So is my heart. And as a grown-ass woman in charge of her own life, I get to dictate the Teen girl squad i have a crush under which I divide up myself and my schedule. I always have a crush on every boy read: I absolutely willbut my true love will always be whatever makes me feel whole and happy.

Sign up here. Perhaps shockingly just kiddingit never, ever has been. Which is a pretty big revelation for a weeknight after too many episodes of Top Chef. Filed under: Advice Personal Essay. Sign Up for Our Newsletter.

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