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To the average person, it has to seem like transgender people are just popping out of the woodwork these days. Suddenly all you're hearing about is Bruce Jenner turning into Caitlyn and stories about trans discrimination that you never even knew was a thing before now. But all that's happened is the mainstream media is finally noticing a subject that's been out there since, well, the dawn of civilization.

We've written several articles with transgendered sources about the horrible bullshit they After sex change penis to vagina to put up with and the less obvious realities of their lives, hopefully to start to counteract the education we were all given on the subject by Jim Carrey movies.

Our source for today's article, who we'll call Nora, went through a multi-year course of hormone replacement and surgery, culminating in a vaginoplasty which turned her penis into, well And, once again, it's nothing like what you're expecting The first objection people have to the whole concept of gender reassignment surgery what people used to call "sex change" surgery is, "What if that person is just going through a weird phase?

What if they get all this done and then change their mind? What if it's just something they're doing on a wacky dare? Well, it's not like nobody has ever thought of that. Gender reassignment surgery is a massive, totally life-altering process that we'll cover in just It's such a serious procedure that the first step involves proving you really, really, really, really want it.

The World Professional Association For Transgender Health advises patients to spend at least a year living and dressing as the gender they'd like to transition to. This is called real-life experience. Nora lives in the Netherlands, where gender reassignment is covered by government-mandated health insurance, and an extended period of RLE is mandatory there:.

Which is to say, the whole gender reassignment process takes a long-ass time, even for After sex change penis to vagina who, like Nora, already had plenty of RLE before they started the process. For those who were hoping to hop right on the hormone train and hit the secondary sex characteristics cart before they make their public debut, it can be devastating.

At first, Nora felt extremely uncomfortable presenting herself as a woman when she After sex change penis to vagina felt she looked like a man:. And then, "The hospital clinic I went to required 18 months of HRT before I could have the reassignment surgery, which had, of course, another waiting list.

Again -- plenty of time to change your mind if you're just a "confused" guy going through a phase. Only delay indices from here on out. She described the whole process as "both a thrill ride and a torturous test of patience. We discussed my childhood, how I experienced my life, my gender. What my thoughts were on hormones and the surgery, and what I expected from them.

But also whether my life was stable enough, did I have a support network in place? What were my hobbies, my goals and ambitions, professionally and personally? After sex change penis to vagina then there's the litany After sex change penis to vagina warnings about all the things that can go horribly wrong. If you have any lingering doubts, just see if they can withstand this news: "You may lose sensitivity and end up not being able to have physical Amateur older wife private nude photoshoot from sex.

Like I was having so much fun with it before and totally didn't want to cry after. But it's a major surgery in a very difficult area; complications like infections or fistulas aren't unheard of.

For the hormones, there are different side effects. They increase the After sex change penis to vagina of developing deep-vein thrombosis and require careful monitoring. I met a woman once who had self-medded; she had a stroke that left half of her face paralyzed. She was only 30 years old. It broke my heart. All of this, by the way, is why many transgender people never attempt surgery -- they just live their lives as the other gender and forever dread the moment they have to explain why they have the wrong genitals.

Did we mention that close to half of all trans people will attempt suicide at some point? Taking hormone therapy for male-to-female transitions involves testosterone blockers, which reduce signs of male physicality like body hair and a deep voice.

The second part of the cocktail is estrogen pills, which shrink your penis and redistribute fat to the butt and hips. It all seems pretty straightforward -- you learned in school that hormones are what make men look like men and women look like women. What she was not ready for was how profoundly hormones affect behavior.

That was certainly true. Crying all the time; getting catty or simply furious. Now this is just the hormones affecting your moods, sort of like PMS for some women or menopause. You have to adjust to it, and after a month of this, it started evening out.

It's different for everybody -- some have it sooner, some later, for some it's worse I don't envy them; I had it pretty badlyand some hardly notice it at all.

I'm more patient, I'm calmer, I feel less driven than I did before I had testosterone blockers. My emotions may be stronger, but I'm more in touch with them as well. Oh, and then there were the out-of-nowhere giggling fits, like the time she had a debilitating laughing fit when she noticed "how the Gorilla Munch corn puffs gorilla looks like it's pretending to give a blowjob and a handjob.

After 18 months on that hormone roller coaster, she was finally ready to start surgery. And if you were thinking it's just a matter of the doctor going in, sawing off a dick and tossing it over his shoulder into After sex change penis to vagina little After sex change penis to vagina can full of them, you're not realizing how much cutting it takes to actually look how society says a woman should.

Those are typically male features. Some women have surgery on their throat to feminize their voice or to have their Adam's apple reduced. Hairline surgery is another option, if the patient suffers After sex change penis to vagina male pattern baldness. I'm considering breast augmentation myself. I'm skinny and thinly built, After sex change penis to vagina my breasts have stayed pretty small. Nora hasn't had FFS yet, because her insurance doesn't cover it right now, but she's confident it will someday.

Which After sex change penis to vagina to say that all of her fellow Netherlanders are happy about this: A lot of people ask her why their hard-earned premiums should pay for "elective" surgery. But that's why life can be such a no-win situation for trans people.

You risk a call to the police regardless of which public restroom you go into -- you're either a "male" pervert trying to sneak into the women's toilet, or you're a cross-dressing pervert trying to prey on innocent men.

In other words, having the wrong genitals freaks out the public so much that you'd think they'd be thrilled when someone goes through surgery to fix it. And, trust Xxx breast cartoon scooby doo, a fine pair of tits just screams female to most people. Next comes a visit to the crotch-laserer.

Some surgeons do a follicle scrape during the surgery. This is needed because part of the skin is inverted to line the vaginal wall. Imagine what would happen if they didn't. The laser sessions If 'lasers firing at After sex change penis to vagina groin' sounds painful, that's because they are, and you are of sound mind.

Or maybe it sounds cool and you are into some really weird stuff, but I won't judge; good for you, hun. Personally, I was reminded of the torture scene in Goldfinger. But naked. Being a trans person with body issues doesn't help, either.

United Artists "No, miss, I expect you to cry. Finally, it was time for a vaginoplasty. People had told me it would be, but I didn't believe them. Genital surgery sounds horribly painful, and I thought they were just trying to put me at ease. But they were right. It wasn't medication that made it painless; it just isn't a very painful procedure. You can find all the pictures you'd ever want of post-operative vaginoplastied vaginas here. They look Because they are.

It's a lot easier to create a Big tits and ass vagina using surgery than it is to create a penis, mainly because all the parts of a vagina have been right there in your penis all along. They just need a surgeon who believes in them before they can achieve their full potential.

The tip of the penis is a clitoris, the testicles are ovaries, the blood vessels that fill up are the same in a woman's labia. It's all there, they just need to be adjusted. Via Vaginismusdaily. It's not a great idea to move around when your entire crotchal region is recovering from being chopped and screwed into a new sort of genitalia. They still let me take the testosterone blockers, though, which spared me another roller coaster, I'm sure.

But it did give me some hot flashes. Basically, if I stop taking estrogen now I go into menopause. There was a little bit of pain in the recovery, as you'd expect. It's not painful, but it sure feels icky having a tube sticking up your urethra. You need one, though. They rearrange your urethra -- anyone with some basic knowledge of biology will understand why, but for those without: Women pee from a place lower than men do.

Men pee from what is basically their clitoris. After a week of bed rest, Nora was ready to begin leading her new be-vagina'd life.

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