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Happy Thanksgiving guys and gals! Yeah this ch. Anyway hope you guys Star wars aayla secura nackt a good time and on with the show! Also big thanks to RKF22 for reviewing for all three chapters! Lastly, althought just one review, to UNSpacy for the super review! Thanks I got a lot of feedback.

The banter continued between the Naarva and Beela in the transport ship. Obi-Wan had his face in his hand, embarrassed by the two Star wars aayla secura nackt them, though, on the upside, at Star wars aayla secura nackt Beela was talking more.

But since he was sitting next to Naarva whom was sitting across from Beela, he could hear it loud and clear. What infuriated Aayla is that he didn't seem to even think about his past actions.

Didn't he care about his friends? To be honest, she had missed Obi-Wan even though she had been upset at his desertion. When he left there were very few Jedi that would fall for her antics, but it seemed their playful relationship was cracked for he had avoided her for almost the whole five hour trip.

He didn't ignore her, quite the opposite he shared pleasantries with her all the time; however, he just didn't bother to make conversation until now. Force, he was starting to sound like Anakin. However, Kenobi, no matter how much time wasted, will stay and accept the punishment no matter how horrible. It was his obligation, his duty.

Besides, Naarva knew the plan already; she would carry it out for him if anything should happen. Aayla grinned mischievously. Aayla went down first followed by Obi-Wan who for once was at a lost for words though he never opened his mouth to show it.

It was an open hanger of Coruscant where diplomacy shuttles always landed. Instead of the normal diplomatic party consisting of multiple Senators, there was his old battle-scarred friend Commander Cody saluting him. Each of their armor was battered and bruised. How did the Senate allow this? Anakin smirked and shrugged his shoulders arrogantly. Obi-Wan smiled, it was good to see those two again even if they were fighting. It had been a while since Obi-Wan felt such nostalgic happiness.

It was I'm not a general anymore. He didn't deserve this nor Star wars aayla secura nackt honor to even command these troopers, he never did. The troopers walked away in their orderly lines. Cody shrugged, his words reverting back to when Obi-Wan had been his commander, "Sorry, sir.

Good to have you back, sir. Cody never once doubted that Obi-Wan would come back. The clone would fight under the general again, just like old times.

Obi-Wan nodded though he didn't care to answer, leaving Cody to wonder if Obi-Wan wasn't here to stay.

The Senators always kept the clones out of the loop, much to the latter's' annoyance. If only Kenobi could feel the same at the moment.

He hadn't felt that emotion for some time and probably never will again. Obi-Wan at first was shock at the intimate gesture, but returned the hug with equal force, not wanting to worry Anakin. After a moment Obi-Wan let go and Ahsoka came up and hugged him just as tightly as her Master. Kenobi mentally shook himself out of his thoughts. What was he thinking?

She was like another Padawan to him, a daughter even. Even with most of his emotions dead, his lust still remained. Damn the lust. Damn the beast. Obi-Wan fought to urge to crush Ahsoka against him, so he cut their hug short, by pretending to remember his entourage.

The one in the white robe, is stunning Naarva and the other is lovely Beela. They didn't interest her. They were weaker than she was. She was so beautiful, not as beautiful as Padme of course, but still Anakin couldn't help but feel a tinge of envy to his master for having such a lovely, buxom creature around.

Ahsoka, on the other hand, was completely jealous of Beela. Obi-Wan's bodyguard was so much taller than her, muscular, war scars, and even more buxom. To top it off, she had the most beautiful Akul necklace Ahsoka had ever seen. How many beasts did Beela kill?

When would Ahsoka grow up and be like that? How could he look eye-to-eye with the men and women he had once called allies after he had ran away? Especially Master Yoda? It didn't matter how he felt right now. It was time to face them. It was time to answer for Star wars aayla secura nackt crimes. Obi-Wan as he stared out the window, felt the eleven gazes staring at him, even though some were just projections, but Obi-Wan duly noticed that the Jedi Council never filled his chair.

Nonetheless, the room was heavy with tension. Silent, but with a Star wars aayla secura nackt atmosphere that was more suited in a cemetery than the Jedi Council. He stood in the middle of the eleven Jedi masters who all were sitting. Naarva and Beela had to wait outside. Cody had already left though he had promised to talk to Kenobi later.

Anakin was talking to Padme, probably hoping to somehow help Obi-Wan from this predicament, and Ahsoka was being Ahsoka She was Star wars aayla secura nackt young to understand that no matter what good had been done, a criminal is a criminal. Star wars aayla secura nackt the criminal was standing by himself, watched with malevolent gazes from the courtroom.

No close friends, no family, just the judges to question him and the executioner waiting to see Star wars aayla secura nackt his services was needed. Are you ready to begin? Maybe he was. If this had happened four years ago, Obi-Wan would have been shamed, but now he was completely indifferent to Fuckdoll cum in face. Yet the tension in the room was like a taut rope, twisted and stretched back.

Clearing his throat, Windu began stoically, his voice reverberating off the walls, "Master Jedi and General Obi-Wan Kenobi of the Republic, three years ago you deserted from the Order and the cause you fight for. Is this true? He would love to know how such a model Jedi just took off and desert. Obi-Wan wasn't fazed by the accusation. He admitted it and should be sentenced death under desertion," the projection of Piell stated. Gruff and outspoken, Piell didn't realize how many friends Obi-Wan had in this room, but he also was currently acting as a bodyguard for his home planet's royal family and didn't have much time to spare.

Personal or political? Though a trial, Ki-Adi would help his friend try to plead his case, wanting to Star wars aayla secura nackt that there was a good motive for Obi-Wan's Star wars aayla secura nackt. If not, a fair trial then. He could feel the others stiffen at his train of thought. Against Satine's killer, Count Dooku? Obi-Wan knew what she was trying to do. She wanted to know Star wars aayla secura nackt or not the upcoming punishment will fit the crime base on motivation and consequences.

Galli did prefer fair justice, but she was angry. More than just angry. When she had heard about the desertion she had felt no pity, no sympathy, but a simple and primal rage that was unsuited for a Jedi Master. How dare Slut wife in slutty dress leave. How dare he step on every code Star wars aayla secura nackt the Jedi. How dare he make a mockery of the Order and the Council. She still felt it and every time she looked at Obi-Wan she clenched the armrests of her chair with increased pressure.

It made sense when Obi-Wan thought about it, for she had been a pillar in holding Mandalore from going into war. Though he had expected Grievous, Dooku's Star wars aayla secura nackt, to have killed her. Mandalore, on the brink of civil war, wasn't in the war between the Republicans and Separatists yet, but that could change easily enough.

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