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Report Abuse. Breast cancer and allergy Us. Diabetes Type 1 Type 2 Prevention. By subscribing, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Very scared. Breast Cancer Community. Possible allergic reaction to titanium after biopsy? My mom is She had a needle biopsy done on on her left breast Sept. The doctor that prefromed the biopsy left a titanium marker at the site of the biopsy. The following week, eveything looked fine. The steri strips came off, and her general practitioner said the she was healing well.

My mom told me that her breast was a little itchy. I told her she was probably just itchy because everything was healing up. Two weeks after the biopsy, she started getting a small rash. She went to the ER, and the on call Fucking prostitute in paris told her to take benedril.

It didn't get any better. She went to another doctor a couple of days later, who told her to put caladryl lotion on it, and not to wear a shirt or bra around the house to keep it from getting any more irritated. It still didn't get any better. A few days after that, she went back to her general practitioner who gave her a shot of steriods and a ten day perscription of levaquin mg an antibiotic. The doctor than told her if it didn't clear up, she would have to refer her back to the facility who did the procedure.

The antibiotic seemed like it was helping to clear up the rash a little bit, but three or four days after stopping them the rash got worse than it was before. My mom called the facility that preformed the procedure to make an Breast cancer and allergy with them, and they told her Breast cancer and allergy did the procedure, but not a follow up. She told them what was going on, and they called in a 5 day perscription of methylprednisolone steriods.

The steriods did not help at all. Those ended Nov. When she woke up on Nov. She said it is also extemely painfull. She Breast cancer and allergy the pain as if someone is pouring rubbing alcohol all over a raw spot.

She couldn't go the Breast cancer and allergy doctor, because it was a Sunday. The next day, she went back to her Ay pappy cartoon porn practitioner and she put my mom back on the same antibiotics as she had been on before.

This is the third day of the antibiotics, and the rash doen't look as though it has improved. She said it is still extremely painful. We are thinking it might be an allegy to the titanium marker. Her doctor has not performed an allergy test, because an allergy to the titanium is so rare. I had a belly button ring that gave me an allergic reaction that was made out of titanuim. I have got on the melisa website, and read all the information taht Breast cancer and allergy could find.

Does anyone Breast cancer and allergy what is going on with my mom? Do you think she should push to have it removed? Anyone with any insight on this matter will be greatly appreciated. Read 2 Responses. Follow - 1. I don't really know much about titanium allergy but it certainly isn't very common. I would suggest that your mother should see a Breast Specialist I really don't think her Dr.

Your Breast cancer and allergy should get a referral from her family physician to see an allergist to be tested for titanium allergy, they can do a skin patch test but a blood draw is more effective. Then she will know without a doubt Breast cancer and allergy it is an allergic reaction or not.

If there is no reason why the titanium marker cannot be removed then have it taken out. Her body is trying to tell her something she needs to listen to it. Doctors always overlook the simplest things staring them right in the face. You know your body better than anyone else. I am setting up an appointment to be tested for titanium myself.

I'm getting ready to have dental implants done which are made of titanium and my back doctor recommended I get checked out first by an allergist since some of the hardware in my neck and back made of titanium have had to be removed, due to the pain never subsiding etc. Once I had the rods taken out of my neck I instantly felt like a brand new person which made the doctor ask me if I was allergic to titanium. I have tried over the years to tell the doctors I felt I was allergic to it but they kept saying no one has ever been allergic to it and they ruled it out.

Nude blonde girl sleeping naked is not the same, we are all different individuals. Now I will Breast cancer and allergy out for sure by an allergist. I should have done this years ago. Good luck and you are in my prayers Doris. Ask a Question. Expert Activity. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Breast Cancer Treatment Options. A quick primer on the different ways breast cancer can be treated.

Cancer-Fighting Diet. Diet and digestion have more to do with cancer prevention than you may realize. From mammograms to personal hygiene, learn the truth about these deadly breast cancer rumors. Breast cancer is not an inevitability. From what you eat and drink to how much you exercise, learn what you can do to slash your risk. MedHelp Crisis Resources.

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It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action.

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