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I was finally able to move again Physical mom son lust I was wiped dry. I looked at mom who came towards me like a snake again and shuffled backwards with my hands and legs, and then covered my body with my hands tightly. All elves are like that. Mommy is of the opposite sex, mommy is a woman too. Mommy can help you fulfil your desires too. You just have to hold mommy tightly. Mom Teen pussy spread gallery seductively and lunged over, attempting to kiss me on my lips.

She then held her face and turned her head around. One of her eyes Tiger woods wife elin nordegren into an enraged-blood-red as she looked at me like an angered lion mother.

You dare to hit mommy over a woman?! Mommy has Physical mom son lust after you for so long. Mommy loves you so much and shields you from everything. Mommy could do anything for you and yet you hit mommy over a woman?! Mommy is going to rip that woman apart in front of you! I threw myself at her. We will still reside in the palace after getting married! I love Lucia!! He thought he fell in love with that woman, but what happened afterwards?!

He abandoned you and they never met again! Then Physical mom son lust woman abandoned Physical mom son lust Love is abandoning one another?! How can it be considered love without having been cultivated for centuries?! You only need one woman! You need but only one woman! If you need to release your pent up desires, mommy can help you! I looked at mom and shouted. I pushed mom away forcefully and we huffed and puffed as we looked at each other.

I really do love Lucia! I want to be with Lucia! I want to continue through life being with Lucia. Lucia is going to still be in her prime after you die. Can you imagine Physical mom son lust Even your father abandoned you! Only mommy will stay by your side! Only mommy will stay by your side forever! Everyone but mommy will betray you!! You can only have mommy by your side! Mommy wants to protect you! I was drained and knelt down on the ground.

I placed my face in my hands as my tears ran down uncontrollably. My Physical mom son lust quivered from getting worked up. Mom slowly walked up to my side and hugged my lifeless body in her arms.

Everyone will betray you. Everyone will hurt you. Mommy just wants to protect you. I hugged mom. Physical mom son lust you know Physical mom son lust Lucia did during the deer hunting festival?

She carried me on her back. She carried me who was incapable of moving and walked a great distance. She mushed berries by chewing on them to feed me. She mushed meat by chewing it to feed me. She guarded me day and night, while she ate grass to survive. How can I not love Lucia when she treats me like that? Mom and I hugged each other tightly. Mom let out sobs of bliss as she tightly embraced me. Mom thought I wanted to get married because I wanted a woman, just like my mother and the empress….

They were a human-and-elf couple as well. I wanted to thank mom. Mom gave me happiness I was deprived of. Maybe mom wants to protect me because she knows of my innocence and pain.

Mom is a qualified mother, regardless of whatever aspect you consider. However, I believe that all three of them truly loved the other. I believe that both of my moms loved me, and I believe that my father loved both of them. Even if it were just two short Physical mom son lust and a few short days, that was a true love where they went through trials and tribulations together…. Thank you for all your generous donations, we have reached the goal, and I will now get to translating the bonus chapter.

I know…. I love you, mom…. I love you…. Mommy loves you most… Always and forever…. Liked it? Support Wu Jizun on Patreon for faster releases, more releases and patron only specials!

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