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The only opinion from guys was selected the Most Helpful Opinion, but you can still contribute by sharing an opinion! Sexual Health. This Girl farts during sex really embarrassing me and my boyfriend had sex then I farted I was well embarrassed. Share Facebook. Why do girls fart during sex? Add Opinion. Well, Girl farts during sex farted during sex. Not frequently, but occasionally. For me, it's generally because when I'm about to orgasm, I tend to tense up and bare down, which causes a lot of pressure in that area and sometimes one slips out.

I "queef" more often than fartthat happens when you end up with some air in your vagina while the guy is thrusting it happens most often when I'm in doggiestyle position the air has to come back out and when it does, it usually causes a vibration that may or may not make a "farting" noise.

Both are pretty normal. I don't know if it's normal, but I remember this happened to me once. The guy I was having sex with stopped, then got his clothes on and left without saying a thing true story.

NothingLastsForever Xper 3. Lmaoo yea it's normal, loads of girls Girl farts during sex it. I'm not sure why though, I'm Girl farts during sex pressure? I wouldn't hold me to that though. Google it? KarKingJack Xper 2. If your ontop it might be 'cos you get so much air up there - your anus opens up really wide during - and it gathers in, uh, wherever Girl farts during sex come from, haha. Then it splats out. I assume its normal, hahaha.

Queefs are jokes, aswell, I've neverrr seen it happen. Tmoney Xper 1. I mean there's a lot of movement, so it's not surprising that bubbles would move inside you and come out, eventually. Ideally Teen boy bondage tube both can just laugh it off. Sign Up Now! Sort Girls First Guys Girl farts during sex. Neelie1 Xper 2. Yes it happens, more in some positions than others. Remember, though, there's nothing to be embarrassed about anything that happens between you and your man in the privacy of the bedroom.

I'm pretty sure it's because Girl farts during sex are literally thrusting air inside you. It's normal. I don't know about the butt I have encountered this as well, unfortunately.

Remember, no woman wants to do that, so if she did you just made her lose all control. Related myTakes. Show All. Why won't the sun go down already. Most Helpful Opinion mho Rate. Learn more. Yes No.

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