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Losing a lot of weight is an impressive accomplishment that significantly reduces your disease risk. However, people who achieve major weight loss Sagging vagina since losing weight often left with a lot of loose skin, which may negatively affect appearance and quality of life. This article takes a look at what causes loose skin after weight loss. It also provides information on natural and medical solutions that can help tighten and get rid Sagging vagina since losing weight loose skin.

The skin is the largest organ in your body and forms a protective barrier against the environment. The innermost layer of your skin consists of proteins, including collagen and elastin. Elastin provides elasticity and helps your skin stay tight. During weight gain, skin expands to make room for increased growth in the abdomen and other parts Sagging vagina since losing weight the body.

Pregnancy is one example of this expansion. Skin expansion during pregnancy occurs over a few months' time, and the expanded skin typically retracts within several months of the baby's birth. By contrast, most overweight and obese people carry extra weight for years, often beginning as early as childhood or adolescence. When skin has been significantly stretched and remains that way for a long period of time, collagen and elastin fibers become damaged.

As a result, they lose some of their ability to retract 1. Consequently, when someone loses a lot of weight, excess skin hangs from the body. In general, the greater the weight loss, the more pronounced the loose skin effect.

What's more, researchers report that patients who have weight loss surgery form less new collagen, and the composition is inferior compared with the collagen in young, healthy skin 234. The following natural remedies may improve skin strength and Sagging vagina since losing weight to some degree in people who have lost small to moderate amounts of weight. Engaging in regular Sagging vagina since losing weight exercise is one of the most effective ways to build muscle mass in both young and older adults 14 In addition to helping you burn more calories, an increase in muscle mass may also help improve the appearance of loose skin.

Collagen hydrolysate is very similar to gelatin. It is a processed form of the collagen found in the connective tissue of animals. Although it hasn't been tested in people with loose skin related to major weight loss, studies suggest that collagen hydrolysate may have a protective effect on skin's collagen 1617 In a controlled study, Sagging vagina since losing weight strength increased significantly after four weeks of supplementation with collagen peptides, and this effect remained for the duration of the week study Collagen hydrolysate is also known as hydrolyzed collagen.

It comes in powdered form and can be purchased at natural food stores or online. Another popular source of collagen is bone brothwhich provides other health benefits as well. Certain nutrients are important for the production of collagen and other components of healthy skin:.

Although these creams may temporarily give a slight boost to skin tightness, collagen and elastin molecules are too large to be absorbed through your skin. In general, collagen must be created from the inside out. Medical or surgical treatments are usually necessary to tighten loose skin after major weight loss. Those who have lost a significant amount of weight via bariatric surgery or other weight loss Sagging vagina since losing weight often request surgery to remove excess skin In body-contouring surgery, a large incision is made, and excess skin and fat Sagging vagina since losing weight removed.

The incision is sutured with fine stitches in order to Fuck girl in andong scarring. Multiple surgeries are usually performed on different body parts over the span of one to two years after major Sagging vagina since losing weight loss. Body-contouring surgeries usually require a hospital stay of one to four days.

Recovery time at home is typically two to four weeks. There may be also some complications from the surgery, such as bleeding and infections. That being said, most studies have found that body-contouring surgery improves quality of life in formerly obese people.

However, one study reported that some quality of life scores decreased in those who had the procedure 232425 Although body-contouring surgery is by far the most common procedure to remove loose skin, there are also less invasive options with a lower risk of complications:.

It appears that although there are fewer risks with these alternative procedures, the results may not be as dramatic as with body-contouring surgery.

For people who have lost small to moderate amounts of weight, skin will likely retract on its own eventually and may be helped by natural remedies. However, individuals who have achieved major weight loss may need body-contouring surgery or other medical procedures to tighten or get rid of loose skin. Losing weight overall is the only way to lose any belly fat in a healthy way.

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