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Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Fifteen Girl with black white ago, inGenna Hewett-Meade's college roommate died a mysterious, violent, terrible death. Minette Swift had been a fiercely individualistic scholarship student, an Girl with black white prickly—personality, and one of the few black girls at an exclusive women's liberal arts college near Philadelphia.

By contrast, Genna was a quiet, self-effacing teenager from Fifteen years ago, inGenna Hewett-Meade's college roommate died a mysterious, violent, terrible death. By contrast, Genna was a quiet, self-effacing teenager from a privileged upper-class home, self-consciously struggling to make amends for her own elite upbringing.

When, partway through their freshman year, Minette suddenly fell victim to an increasing torrent of racist harassment and vicious slurs—from within the apparent safety of their tolerant, "enlightened" campus—Genna felt it her duty to protect her roommate at all costs.

Now, as Genna reconstructs the months, weeks, and hours leading up to Minette's tragic death, she is also forced to confront her own identity within the social framework Girl with black white that time. Her father was a prominent civil defense lawyer whose radical politics—including defending anti-war terrorists wanted by the FBI—would deeply affect his daughter's outlook on life, and later challenge her deepest beliefs about social obligation in a morally gray world.

Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. Published October 17th by Ecco first published More Girl with black white Original Title. Other Editions Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews.

Showing Average rating 3. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Dec 01, dara rated it did not like it Shelves: read-in Girl with black white, reviewed. The title and book description are misleading. The book has very little to do with race relations, and more to do with the white girl's dysfunctional relationship with her politically controversial father and her own feelings Girl with black white guilt.

The characters are not at all likable, or even ones I could relate to or understand. The white girl tries obnoxiously hard to befriend her black roommate, who everyone else--including the other black students--finds intolerable. The white girl's fixation is rather The title and book description are misleading.

The white girl's fixation is rather obsessive, repulsive, and beyond comprehension. It continues despite obvious resentment from her roommate, who eventually becomes the target of anonymous racist acts.

Since the novel is narrated by the white Girl with black white, who comes off as mentally unbalanced, I kept expecting at any moment it would reveal that she was actually stalking her roommate and committing the racist harassments herself. At what seems like an obvious stopping point, the narration continues and the black girl becomes more of a footnote than anything else; her death serves only as a catalyst, propelling the white girl towards an emotional breakdown in which she must finally face the truth about her father.

The story isn't that compelling--it's just odd. The last part of the book doesn't even seem like it is written by the same character. View all 6 comments. Oct 27, Rachel Louise Atkin rated it liked it Shelves: owned. Read for my American Postmodernism class. This is a novel that attempts to demonstrate and examine the American college experience for a person of colour, yet as a white author Oates is careful not to adopt a false voice on behalf of black college students, but instead writes from Girl with black white perspective of a white girl sharing a dorm with a black girl.

What follows is a juxtaposition of the two, working as both a contrast and bonding for the two characters Girl with black white are aware of their societal differences, Read for my American Postmodernism class. What follows is a juxtaposition of the two, working as both a Girl with black white and bonding for the two characters who are aware of their societal differences, and let this become the basis for their encounters.

I enjoyed this so much because I absolutely love campus novels, and only two chapters into the book I had already warmed to the voice and the setting. Yet studying this novel in light of my wider reading, which happened to be on structural and embedded racism in higher education, there was also a lesson to be taken from this which I value strongly in my continued Girl with black white in Black and African American literature.

Whilst this is obviously not African American literature, it still adds something to the discourse of racism in American college education which is going continuously unnoticed as a result of the people who enforce it.

After this I'd love to read more of Oates' work because I thoroughly enjoyed this novel. I would recommend for anybody interested in campus literature, and although it does attempt to be a part of the black experience narrative, I would recommend going straight to novels written by Black writers for a more stimulating look into that.

Nevertheless, I wouldn't pass this book up because I'm really glad we were given this to read. Jan 03, Jae rated it liked it Shelves: books. Truth in advertising would require this book to be called White Girl.

We see Minette through Genna's eyes, and as even fifteen Truth in advertising would require this book to be called White Girl. We see Minette through Genna's eyes, and as even fifteen years later when the adult Genna looks back she doesn't have much understanding of who Minette was and what happened to her. While the book is about the reasons why Genna and Minette Girl with black white truly see or know each other, for reasons both personal and racial, I wish that the book had had some of the even-handedness of the title.

I enjoyed Genna's story but wanted more of Minette's. Jul 21, Debbie rated it really liked it Shelves: bookclub-reads. From the title of this book Girl with black white the soundbites on the back cover you would assume this is a book about race in s America.

And it is, but it is also a book about a lot more. Mostly, to me, it seemed to be a book about white middle class guilt and political correctness. The story is written as the 'confession' of Genna Meade, a white 18 year old girl from a rich yet extremely dysfunctional family. Genna's parents are aging radical hippies who have rejected their elitist upbringing and From the title of this book and the soundbites on the back cover you would assume this is a book about race in s America.

Genna's parents are aging radical hippies who have rejected their elitist upbringing and inheritance to fight against the inequalities in society. They are particularly incensed by racial inequality and so at the age of 18 Genna finds herself willingly sent to Schuyler College established and endowed by Girl with black white own familyliving in a mixed race dormitory of students who have mostly been selected through 'merit programmes', i.

Genna's room-mate is Minette Swift, daughter of a preacher from Washington. Minette is aloof, rude, unfriendly and altogether unlikeable, but because she is black Genna excuses all these flaws and bends over backwards to accommodate her.

As the story progresses we also come to learn that Minette is struggling academically at Schuyler College and she becomes more defensive and unpleasant as her inadequacies become apparent. Ugly, racist attacks start happening to Minette and the all the students in the Girl with black white come under suspicion. As Genna comes to realise the truth behind these incidents she Girl with black white to protect Minette. Underlying this story is the story of Genna's father Max.

He has been an absent figure for much of Genna's life. A father of bipolar proportions who shifts between 'kind Max' and 'mad Max', Genna has always been desperate for him Girl with black white spend time with her and notice her.

Her mother, Veronica, is an embarrassing follower of Max. Genna and her brother have had a very neglected childhood as their parents pursued their causes and the hippie lifestyle. Her brother left home at 16 to embrace conservatism, Genna is left with the legacy of a lifetime of politically correct indoctrination and a desperate need for her father to care for her. As the story unfolds and Minette spirals into depression, Max's life also spirals downwards.

His activism in the past assisting draft dodgers is revealed Girl with black white being more serious than he has ever admitted. As Genna learns the truth of what Max is, Minette dies in a fire that Genna feels she could have prevented by telling the truth. The truth finally spills out of Genna, but it is the truth about Max, not Minette, and it destroys Max. The story ends with Genna handing this manuscript to her father where he will learn of her betrayal.

This is a good book. It makes you think, makes you question, makes you uncomfortable, but never fails to entertain and engage. I have never read any books by Joyce Girl with black white Oates before but I will definitely be reading more.

View 2 comments. Nov 11, Jane rated it liked it Shelves: black-white. While I was expecting superior writing from a novelist as celebrated as Oates this was my first one and didn't consistently find it, I have to give her credit for tackling Girl with black white unusual and difficult subject. White Girl's unrequited yearning for friendship with her Black Girl roommate rings true for the time and place depicted. It's a little mysterious Girl with black white to why Oates chose to make Black Girl so strange and troubled.

But then White Girl was pretty troubled too, probably par for the course for While I was expecting superior writing from a novelist as celebrated as Oates Girl with black white was my first one and didn't consistently find it, I have to give her credit for tackling an unusual and difficult subject. But then White Girl Girl with black white pretty troubled too, probably par for the course for this author.

I also was confounded by the narrator's repeated references to nappy hair and oily dark skin - what was that about? This is a spare book.

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