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Endive was very angry now so angry the mood fruit arround her chubby neck turned a malevolently dark black. The sudden onset of nasty black startled Panini who stepped Chowder cartoon sexy endive three steps, "Panini dear, grab your heavyset boytoy and drag him to the cellar Panini grabbed Chowder's arm and dragged him away. Once in the cellar they walked the long hallway with there hostages in clenched hands, "Panini, open the door!

Panini with her free hand grabbed the gleaming and silver old knocker-like handle and wrenched it open. A split second later Chowder and Mung were thrusted in the dungeon-like room, "I hope you enjoy peeling my Gro-Tatoes Endive threw the sack at them and slammed the door locking it with a steel padlock around the handle.

Endive cackled as she heard Mung speak in a frantic tone. Endive squalled in utter delight as they heard a squelching noise which switched from a squall to a gasp, "Any second now he'll say The two waited for a single little whisper, nay, a murmur of being okay from the two beings behind the large wooden door. Endive removed her fatty body from the door as the mood fruit turned a shade of turqoise that made Panini cry, "What have I done?

The horror that unfolded before them was unbearible. Chowder cartoon sexy endive Gro-Tatoes had crushed the old chef and his chubby apprentice to an unattractive pulp. Endive felt sick and the mood fruit turned to a sewage green, "Panini, we killed them!

Panini slumped over to Endive and slapped her, "Miss Endive, we have been here to long the police might think voluntary manslaughter! Story Story Writer Forum Community. Cartoons Chowder. Remember when Endive and Mung fought over the mood fruit? The idea is what would happen if Mung wasn't prepared for Chowder cartoon sexy endive Miss Endive was ranting on about jail and how it would kill her, "No not now-!

Endive and Panini agreed on their plan they would leave Marzipan city at this moment. The Mood Fruit 2. A Close Call Chowder cartoon sexy endive. The author would like to Asian lesbian massage milf you for your continued support. Your review has been posted. Actions Add to Community Report Abuse. Close Working Terms of Service.

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