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It is the magic of risking everything for a dream that nobody sees but you. It is a great movie, no doubt. But, I am not asking you to train until you have to crack your ribs or break your kidney.

In order to take the role of a boxer, Hilary Swank not only has to learn boxing, Hilary swank running on beach also build her body like someone who has spent her whole life training. She had about 90 days to do it under her personal trainer, Grant Roberts. After much hard work, Swank has gained nearly 19 pounds of lean hard muscles and solid abs.

Swank said that the biggest change was not in her body, but her mind to go through that body transformation. Many times she has thought of giving up, but she fired herself up by imagining what type of boxer she wanted to look like. No doubt, mind is still a powerful tool. She no longer lift weight 6 days a week, no longer eating egg whites, not drinking flax oil and not waking up midnight to drink protein shakes.

She has lost some weight inclusive her hard gained muscles. But, this change of routine does not mean that she does not like exercising.

Nowadays, she spend time twice a week in lifting weight. She also enjoys cycling and Power Pilates. Lately, she picks up Krav Maga, an Israeli hand-to-hand self defense technique. Michelle Ryan is another actress who loves this martial art. When I first found out her diet plan and workout routine, I would think it is not sustainable.

Setting alarm to wake up in the middle of the night to drink protein shake…it is tough. Email This Post. Category: Motivation. Amazing photos of an incredible physique. Getting in shape especially to that level takes more than just a good program. Hey Mun, thanks for your piece. It reminds me to stay Hilary swank running on beach focus and Hilary swank running on beach persevere. Definitely not fat, flabby and unfit. In addition, all that junk food is not doing good to my skin.

I had to motivate myself to wake up at 4. Muchacha — that should be enough motivation! You are your own biggest enemy! Beat yourself! Good to read about this. Notify me of future comments via e-mail. Copyright C MunFitnessBlog. She consumed about 4, calories a daytwice much more than an average woman would eat. While Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel ate Hilary swank running on beach than 2, calories a day, Swank needed that to build more muscles with vigorous gym workouts.

She had to eat about grams of protein daily. However, because body can only absorb so much protein in one meal, she was told to eat protein rich meal every 4. Egg white and fish were common items in her meal.

She even had to wake up in the middle of the night to drink protein shake so that she could meet her caloric goals. As for carbs, she took not more than 50 grams a day. In addition to protein, she drank flax oil which contains high levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Flax seed oil provides about 1, calories a day, a quarter of her daily intake. According to her personal trainer, two reasons why he asked Swank to do so: As Swank ate little carbohydrates, her body would use stored fat as energy.

So, flax oil will stoke the metabolism to help burning the fat and digesting protein she has eaten. In this case, the oil has provided high quality calories for muscle building without affecting the fat burning process. Hilary swank running on beach end goal is to build muscle yet at the same time, reducing body fat percentage.

Also, because of long hours spent in boxing and working out, Swank has overtrained. Her trainer mentioned that the flax oil would reduce her joint pain. As for her menu: Breakfast: protein shake Peek shows nude chat with egg whites, oils, vitamins and minerals.

Lunch and dinner: fish and lots of green vegetables. Similar protein shakes were used as snacks throughout the day. After trying out her first 3-minute round, she realized that it was much more difficult than seen.

Ever since then, she put much effort to practice 2 hours daily by sparring and hitting the heavy bag as well as the speed bag.

As for the weight lifting workout, her trainer focused on single body parts, upper and lower body workouts, and opposing body parts. For instance, Swank would use pounds dumbbells to do dumbbell bench press until she was fatigued. Then, she would picked up lighter dumbbells to do bench press again until fatigued. She continued until light weight until she felt like a ton of steel. Her trainer even made her push a SUV in neutral gear across the parking lot to train her legs.

In order to sculpt her back muscles, Swank did pull-ups. She could not complete even one on day 1. But, by the end of 9 weeks, she could pull herself up with at least 10 repetitions. Hilary Swank in real life…. Related posts:. Hilary swank running on beach is all in the Hilary swank running on beach. Not having enough time to work out is the easiest excuse. About MunFitnessBlog.

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