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So I am catching up on some pictures of past messes I havent posted. I will College roommate sex tumblr that all of this is not my roommates, notice how there are two black things to place our dishes in to let them dry the one College roommate sex tumblr the sink is mine and the one to the left of mine is obviously her thing I am not sure what they are College roommate sex tumblr, some peopel call them drying racks or dish rack.

I am the type of person that when I am done with my College roommate sex tumblr or silverware I clean it right then and there, let it dry then put it up, unlike my roommate who lets her still dirty dishes sit there for a day or two before she even rinses them off and takes about days to put them back up, which College roommate sex tumblr of the time they just sit there. Here is my own little video I decided to make.

I can relate to the girl in this video. You many not have the time to manually handwah the dishes but it only takes a minute to put the dishes in the dishwasher and turn it on. We have a dishwasher so why not use it? So I am starting this blog because my roomate does not clean up after herself. My freshman year of college I lived in the dorm with my best friend but sophmore year we decidied to live in apartments, well they had just built a new apartment building on campus and I wanted to live in those, so we parted our ways we didnt go our different ways because of problems so i lived with another friend until she said that the apartment we were staying in were to expensive College roommate sex tumblr her.

So fast forward to my senior year, a friend called me up this summer and asked if she could room with me since I had an extra room and she had trouble with her previous roommate. Well not wanting to be mean I agreed and she moved in. Living Skinny flat asian girls nude a monster of a roommate.

It is my senior year and I thought it would be an easy year College roommate sex tumblr I did not factor in my new roommate. I will call this girl "the dirty one" and I will pay homage to her. I wonder how many other people have dirty roommates. November 11, Tags: roommate college dirty. November 01, Tags: dirty dishes roommate college.

October 24, Tags: trash roommate college dirty. Tags: smelly roommate food dirty febreze college. October 23, Tags: food dirty college roommate.

Tags: dishwasher dishes dirty clean roommate college. October 22, Tags: dirty roommate college dirty dishes apartment. As you can see from the picture this is what I have to deal with on a daily basis. Tags: college roommate College roommate sex tumblr. October 19, About Living with a monster of a roommate.

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